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🚀 NLW, Java and... I'm back!

/ 2 min read

So, what’s up?

After pondering for a while, I decided to dive into Backend development and APIs to grow as a developer. I began searching for the best language and pathway to create APIs (It’s one of those classic moments in every programmer’s journey), and Java caught my attention. The more I delved into Java and APIs, the more I realized that Spring Boot offered a robust solution. So, I thought, “Why not?” Let’s do this, I’m going to become a Java Developer!

NLW Event

Rocketseat is an old friend of mine. I studied on their platform a while back. One day, as I was scrolling through Twitter/X, I discovered they were hosting another NLW event. NLW is known for guiding the community through various programming paths, creating awesome projects, and sharing the results. Among these paths was Java, which caught my interest, leading me to join and learn alongside the community.

Embracing new challenges

As a Frontend Developer, I had never ventured into the realm of building APIs and Backend structures before. I was out of my comfort zone, far from home. But that didn’t stop me from diving into something new. I went through all the lessons and managed to do well. I was fascinated by all these unfamiliar concepts.

Next Steps

Now, I’ve published my repository on github, where anyone interested can check out my recent work. But this is just the beginning. I’m eager to delve deeper into API structures, backend architectures, best practices, testing, optimization, databases, and more. I’ll be seeking out additional study materials in the days ahead and look forward to sharing my ongoing learning journey soon.

Catch you later!